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A kid in year 7 made me smile today,
I was telling Emma about my little brother who died when he was a baby,
And the kid sees that i was crying,
And he goes 'Excuse me, Miss. I'm new here and I don't mean to interrupt your conversation, but i see you're upset over your brother. But please, remember that Jesus is looking after your brother and he'll always be with you.'
I may not believe in God or Jesus, but kids like that still give me alot of hope in life.
He's the type of kid I hope my brother would have ended up like.

[I'd ask for faves for the kid and my brother but I'm too lazy. :L ;D ]
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A kid in year 7 made me smile today, I was telling Emma about

5 faves · Jun 13, 2011 2:34pm






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