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today i saw you cry for the first time in a while:
someone read a quote
i thought it reminded you of us
you started crying and asked me for a hug
i thought you were crying because you finally realized everything that's happened to us
i asked you why you were crying
you said "i don't know why im being so emotional"
i thought we could be friends again...
but apparently im the only one who is willing to try and that wants to try
when you said that you didn't know why you were being emotional and than walked away
.  . . . that made it clear that you don't really care what happens to our relationship
i just thought, that maybe,
just maybe, you would've realized that we have lost EVERYTHING between us but i guess our friendship, all the tears we've cried && comforting hugs && sleepless sleep overs&& nights we talked about boys && star-gazed together&& the sports we played together(how we met(sorta)) && all the inside jokes &&guys we've stalked, would've meant something to you, cause they meant a lot to me
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today i saw you cry for the first time in a while: someone read

4 faves · Jun 11, 2011 8:16pm






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