Witty Profiles

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Chapter 4

as we were still talking I interrupted Rob.
" I Like you " I said
" Seriously ? " He asked

" Yeah " I replied
"Sweet " he said
" Yeah , you can finish talking now , I'm sorry I just had to get that off my chest "I replied
he then began to laugh and continued talking. At 10:30 , Julia came in.
" We got to leave in like 5 minutes " She said
" Okay" I replied.
She then walked outside.

"Well I "... I then turned to Rob. He kissed me. " Got to go "

All I could do was smile && blush.
" I had a good time" he said " text me later "
" Will do " I replied giving him a hug . We walked outside together I said bye to everyone , Julia sister then picked us up and we went back to julias house for a sleepover. After we got changed we sat down on Julias floor and talked.
Randomly out of the blue I said " Rob kissed me "
" WHAT?! " Marissa said

" Yeah " I said .
" OH MY GOSH ! that is  so cute I'm so happy for you , " She said then hugging me.

"Wait do you like him ? " Julia asked.
"Well I first didn't know what I thought about him considering I didn't know him , like I think hes cute and all then at the bonfire when me and Tori were talking he came in and sat down next to me and grabbed my hand and tori got up and we just talked and told each other about ourselves. He started to give me major butterflies. So yeah I do " I said
" Aw Delilah " Tori said.

My phone then started ringing I went and grabbed it out of my bag it was my sister Danielle calling.
" Hold up guys its my sister " I said
" Hello ? "I said answering the phone.

"Lila " Danielle said
That was what my siblings and  parents called me.
" Dan " I said
" I can't sleep " she said.
" Why ? " I asked
" I miss everything I miss you , Sean and Dana and dad and mom " She said

" I miss you too , Don't worry we will see each other at Christmas " I said "How is it in south Carolina "

" I hate it " She said.

" well hows your foster family ? " I asked.
" My foster parents got a fricken divorce " She said " So its just me and my foster mom , Shannon , shes really sweet and cares about me alot and her daughter who is our age is amazing but I just miss everything "
" Aw well I'm with my friends and I feel really rude , I'm gonna call you tomorrow , call Sean , love you bye " I said
" Love you too " She replied.

" sorry guys it was my sister " I said
" It fine " I said.

We then watched the hangover and chick flicks. We got to bed around 2 . I woke up the next day at 10 to about 6 text messages.

1 from my aunt chrissy (my moms sister  and my god mother)
1 from my brother
1 from my sister Dana.
1 from my best friend back at my old town
2 from  rob.

I responded to all of them. Me and the girls then went out for breakfast. Ang then picked me up at 1.

" Dee , you got something in the mail today " ang said
" Oh from who ? " I asked

" I think one of your family members" She said
" Okay " I replied.
We got in the house the envelope was on the counter, I went to see who it was from , it was from my moms youngest sister  Cassie, she had been in Europe the whole summer and had no way to get home for the funeral which sucked. 
I opened it and it read.


words can't explain how upset i am and how bad I feel. I just got back from Europe Monday (September 8) No one told me that you ,Sean , and Danni were going into foster care and that you guys were getting split up. Its kind of sad how Dana couldn't take care of yous and no one else in the family could. You must feel unloved but your loved by everyone in the family especially me. I'm just so starstrucked by this and I have to do something about it, you Sean and Danni cant be split up or away from the whole family its not right. I love you so much especially Dana , Sean and Danni and I'm going to do something about this. I need to get everything back together since I just got back .Please call me / write back . I hope your okay  , I love you baby girl  to the moon and back and miss you lots.


she then put her number. I wrote back

I miss you too. I'm doing good. Danni called me last night saying she missed everything and yeah Me , Sean and Danni did feel a little let down but oh well . Things happen for a reason right. That would be amazing if you did something. But If you did bring us back together you would have to promise I could visit where I'm at right now. I love you Cass your a life saver foreal. Well Ill call you in a couple days.

I then put it in a envelope and ang drove me to the mail place and I got a stamp and gave it to them. I then came home and layed down and took a nap. I slept from 2-5 . I got woken up by Ang shaking me.

"Delilah , Delilah Wake up wake up " She said shaking me " Something happened.
The first thing that hit me was something had to happen with one of my family members.
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Us<3 Chapter 4 as we were still talking I interrupted Rob.

2 faves · Jun 11, 2011 2:06pm






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