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hey everyone!
im new here.... and i have a question
 im 15 years old and ive hooked up servale times with a 21 year old turning 22 year old...
is that bad? like honsetly? and im strating to like him and he says he wishes i was olders so we could hang out and he dosent want me to stop talking to him and he dosent want me to turn into one of those party girls...he says he doesnt want that to happen to me adn before he said he wished i was 18 so we could date or somthing...he broke up wiht his gf for me.. idk im strating to really like him just im confused like idk lol i guess im just screwed...but how bad is this? and any advice?
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hey everyone! im new here.... and i have a question im 15 years

2 faves · 8 comments · May 31, 2011 10:22am






newgirl234 · 1 decade ago
thank you everyone soo mcuhh! im just soo confused like idk lol but thanks...but like i have a problem...i might be pregnant now and idk wat to do...like this is a real situation im not making up just to get attention i promuise....but thanks for the advice! but like idk what to do now...and i was wounder but if my parents dont press charges can he still go to jail? thanks everyone!
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love_020310 · 1 decade ago
i've been in a situation like this. honestly wait until you're 16 to do anything, i had with a 20 year old when i was 16 and my parents found out and they called the cops. all they did is make us not have contact until i'm 18. but if you do anything before you turn 16 he'll go to prison for atleast a year. so i'd wait until your 16 and make sure that you dont tell anyone. that was my biggest mistake... i hope that helps (:
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Fastpitcherplayer · 1 decade ago
I think that's illegal....sorry
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EstherAluko · 1 decade ago
Errrrm idk what 2 say loool
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gabriellelu2 · 1 decade ago
Well, to be honest..
It is bad to have a "romantic" relationship with someone that is clearly older than you. If you really are dating him, its called Statutory . Even if you like him, it's still what it is. You'll never know what might happen if you hang out with 20+ year olds. Wait until you're older.
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looveeliifee · 1 decade ago
well as long as you know that he doesnt want to use u and just sleep with you then its not all that bad
and i mean you could hangout with and stuff but i think dating wouldnt be the best option
i mean where i live its ok to date someone 3 , 4 years older than you
and its even kind of silly to date someone your own age...
so i think you should talk to him and tell him that you could keep it cool for now, act like friends..
may i ask how did you meat him ?
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TigerBloodFTW · 1 decade ago
Where did you meet him? And I honestly think that you shouldn't be talking to him. Regardless of how well you guys get along, you're still 15 and he's still 21! That's going to lead to nothing but TROUBLE! Maybe you should try and talk to someone your age. You will realize that someone your age is just what you need. :)
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haleylikestocos · 1 decade ago
thats not really bad, i have a friend thats datiher , shes 16 and hes 23. so it doesnt matter as long as you like eachother, and when your 16 you guys can and whatnot without people telling you that you cannn . just alittle help!
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