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O k , l i s t e n .
I'm so tired of hearing stupid things about the jonas brothers [dont rate low yet...] like: RATE HIGH IF YOU HATE THE JONAS BROTHERS! or THE JONAS BROTHERS DONT SING, THEY WHINE AND SOUND LIKE A GIRL! bcuz i mean if its ok for a girl to sound like that why cant a few hott boys?? And they sound reallly good. I mean have you ever actually listened to one of their songs? I cry every time i hear underdog and a little bit longer. Its not cool for you people to say bad stuff about the jonas brothers. and you people who are crazy enough not to like the jonas brothers should want another section for them so you can stop having to see them all the time. I think they deserve a section. And im not going to say you people dont know them, but neither do i. I know  A TON about them but i have sadly never met them. im hoping i will but i havent. and half of you people who say "I hate the jonas brothers" have never even heard one of their songs. And I mean like, come on. I dont think I could go a day without listening, talking about, thinking about, typing, or saying the word 'jonas'.

Dont judge them just because you dont like them. And all those hate quotes are not fair to the people who like the jonas brothers.

I really dont listen to my chamical romance, so I dont go around saying: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE SUCKS! cuz I dont really listen to them.
I mean from what I've seen, its always emo people listening to them but you know? I'm not gonna be gay about them.

RATE HIGH IF YOU AGREE [about the joans brothers NAWT My chamical Romance.] And I could care less if you dont. :P
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O k , l i s t e n . I'm so tired of hearing stupid things about

5 faves · 2 comments · Sep 27, 2008 11:59am






GyMcRaZii105 · 1 decade ago
omg no one LIKES the jonas brothers they are extremely old & their songs are sooo dumb. there show is the worst & they arent good at singing OR acting!! hmm.?
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_xlorenzxox_ · 1 decade ago
i happen to have heard most of the jonas brothers songs, and i know some things about them. i really just dont like them! some of their songs are ok i guess. but they are definitely O V E R A T E D ! Ughh! THey get waaayy too much attention just becuz theyre [attractive]... everyone is entitled to their own opinion so im just stating minee. mmk?
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