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Stop. Slow down. Going to fast. 
Reliving the moments, she wanted to last. 
Slow motion. Fast forward. Pause. Don't hit play. 
Need to take it all in. Wanting feelings to stay.
Hands gripped tights. Eyes full of tears. Heart full of pain & dreams full of fears. 
Can't move on. Wants to let go. Wants to tell you how it feels. Wants to let you know.. 
That anything you say. Anything you do. There will always be that one spot in her heart. 
That she believes was meant for you. 
And she won't give it away to just anyone. Cause it killed so much to know you were done. 
You never said the words, but to figure it out... Didn't take long. 
Cause when she looked deep down, she knew it was all wrong. 
But she would have done anything, to stop all this pain. 
That's killing her insides, driving every last bit of her insane. 
But she knows you will come back, like you did before, but it will end the same way. 
And then you won't want her anymore.. 
But she won't give up. She knew what was right. She wants to be in your arms. 
She wants to hold your hand right. But when she finally does move on. 
Even if it does take day after day. Just know....... You'll be gone. With one touch of a button.. 
Press play. 

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Stop. Slow down. Going to fast. Reliving the moments, she wanted

5 faves · 1 comments · May 23, 2011 4:39pm






babbinikki · 1 decade ago
I loveeee it.!
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