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ok so my like my closest friend at school's name is allie.   And this really annoying girls name is Becca.  My name is emma.  So this is what happened,  " so emma read what allie wrote on my yearbook!" ( ohh and allie and I have gone through alot of stuff with becca. becca is so mean and is a jerk. ) ok so i said "ok  fine i am coming."  so then i read it and baciclly  allie said "omg becca your amazing like your my best friend and i love you so much!  you and i have so much together. witty, ....................... and ya so i want you to know your amazing and you and i have been bffs for the whole year."  i was like allie what about me! i mean i have been your closest friend the entire year i mean she didnt even right that in my yearbook it was just ya witty and i had fun love u. ( everyone in the class doesn't like becca! and i mean everyone sees how close me and allie are. but becca always gets in the way. i have been praying for her and everything. i know 1 Corinthians says love is patient kind and loving.  i have been that for that past 2 years! and allie obviously doesnt care and neither does becca. me and allie promised to keep witty to ourselves and then she goes off blabering off to becca. i am so annoyed and mad. help me please. i know i spelled alot wrong. but i am sorry. please comment. and yes i am in middle school.(drama)

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ok so my like my closest friend at school's name is allie.

0 faves · 1 comments · May 21, 2011 2:21pm






iloveyou1012 · 1 decade ago
gee thanks oh yea its becca byeee ohhh and also i figure out this was u!!! BYE
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