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it's the little things...     
his hugs. his walk. his hang in yours. his laugh. his smile. the way he says your name. his personality. his looks. his little hair flippy thing. sitting on his lap. his singing. watching tv with him. kissing him in the rain. his flawlessness. his flaws. the scar on his cheek. his ankles. his athletic abilities. his perfection at everything. how you can hear how he would say the things he texts you. how he makes fun of you. how he sides with you even when your wrong. how you hate him in a loving way. how he's your best friend. being with him constantly. thinking of him 24/7. having him think of you 24/7. his warmth. his skin. his love. his eyes. how he doesn't tie his shows right. how he acts in front of your parents. when he grabs your hips. when he tickles you. watching kid shows with him. how his fingers are always cold. the way he messes up when he's talking to you. the way he acts around you. the love he gives you. the way he loves you. and everything else.

                        ...that you'll miss the most

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it's the little things... his hugs. his walk. his hang in

36 faves · May 19, 2011 6:13pm






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