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Part 7 *Chelsea*
      Why did I leave? Why did I even go? I don't know, all I know now is that I need to get out of here. That look in his eyes, it makes me want to change him. It makes me want to be with him. It's devilish but comforting. He's mysterious but I feel like I know everything about him. I just don't know right now. I have to snap out of it. I need to be with Brett to save my perfect reputation, to make my parents proud, to have everything be right. I got into my car and just sat there. I want to go back and have everything be wrong, but right. I want my life to be different. I want to not have to care. F*ck it, I'm going back. No I can't. I went against myself and just pulled out. I took a drive wherever I could drive to. Anywhere to just get away from everything. I did a lot of thinking, I thought about what my life would be like if I chose Dillan and if I didn't. He's been with that girl Kelly ever since freshman year. I looked down into my lap and saw a new text message from Brett.
      Hey we need to talk... dinner at Vincent's at 6?
      I couldn't say no so I drove back home and showered. I braided my hair and put on a sun dress, jean jacket, wedges, a necklace, and a Juicy charm bracelet Brett got me last year.(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=31579499 ) It was 5:50 when Brett picked me up. He didn't even come to my door he just honked the horn. I ran out... well not ran, as close as run you can get with heels on. I got into the car and he didn't say anything.
     "Hey cutie!" I broke the silence.
     "Hi, you look great." He didn't sound like he meant it.
     "Thanks, so do you." I said dryly. We drove in silence for the rest of the ride. He acted like we were on an awkward first date in middle school where he was afraid to talk to me. When we sat down I needed to say something.
      "Sooo what did we need to talk about?"
       "Look Chels, I don't know how to tell you but I need to before you hear it before anyone else. I cheated on you with Grace DiGerarda... We hooked up the other night after you left me. I was drunk and I was mad. She was willing to and I couldn't turn down the offer. You understand right?"
     Is he kidding me? This isn't happening. I needed to suck down the tears for a few seconds. He obviously doesn't care about me he just wants me for his image. Isn't that what I was doing to him though? Whatever. I ripped the bracelet off my wrist and it broke. I stood up and threw it at him.
     "Yeah I completely understand I'm glad you broke it down for me. Have fun with Grace." I stormed out of the restaurant. I started walking. I didn't want anybody to see me crying so I didn't call anybody. I knew my way home from here.
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.Always.Wanting.More. Part 7 *Chelsea* Why did I leave? Why did

2 faves · May 16, 2011 9:15pm






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