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• 2
"Wow" I say as I step onto the brick driveway looking up at our new house. It was a gated community and this was one of the biggest houses here. It was beautiful.  
It looked like a mansion type of house. I couldn't wait to see the inside. I walked up the marble steps to the front door. My mom slid the key into the door lock and opened the door slowly.
"Ta da!" she says taking the first step into me NEW GORGEOUS HOUSE.
I ran towards the steps that led upstairs to pick my room. My brother was close behind me and my sister was still trying to climb up the steps.  I found the biggets room, about the same size as the master bedroom. It was awesome. It had it's own bathroom (only room in the house that did except the master), walk in closet, lots of space, and a medium sized patio that looked out to the California ocean. I absolutely love where my bed it suppose to go too. It was a little pla tform thingy with steps that lead to the bed.  It was so cool.

The truck with our new furniture had arrived. The guys from the truck got out and opened the back up. I saw some chairs, a couch, beds, and stuff like that. They loaded out a bed that was about the same size I had before. "Oh that's mine" I say walking towards the bed. "Of course it is honey, they are taking out your stuff first" My dad said. "Wow, all of this is mine" I say looking at the white couch, bean bags , flat screen,  tv stand, bed,   and much more.
After about 5 hours they had everything in my room set up. I already knew the color scheme. Light purple, pastel green, and white.
I logged onto facebook and posted a new status, "Hey never mind about the road to hell, I think I'm going to like it here
Heyyyyyy, okay so the next chapter is when she meets people and stuff. Lol sorry the past chapters have been boring.

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Hearts • 2 "Wow" I say as I step onto the brick

3 faves · 1 comments · May 12, 2011 8:00pm






alyssa7957 · 1 decade ago
Okay, so this is going to sound really stupid butt how do you change the background color of the quote..
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