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Wanna know a secret about me?

I'm insecure.
I think I'm ugly
I used to be one of those girls
who would always admit
that she thought she was pretty
I'm not anymore.

I think my friends would mush rather be with anyone but me.
I think they think 
I'm annoying, loud, and a loser.
I think they think in a sensitive little girl with no friends
but them

I'm terrified of change.
I've never ever changed a lot
but over the past year everything is changing
from my best friends 
to my house that I've lived in since age two
to my parents getting a divorce
and I'm terrified that it's going to get worse.
I even started going to a therapist a few months ago
because I was so stressed out about everything.

I can't do anything right.
I feel like everything that's done correctly in my life now
I needed help for.
My grades are getting lower.
I can't make my own friends.
I can't do anything.

See, I'm not asking for you all to feel bad.
and I'm not asking for advice.
I just felt like I needed to get it out.

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Wanna know a secret about me? I'm insecure. I think I'm

18 faves · 2 comments · Apr 29, 2011 4:45pm






MissMickeyMousee6 · 1 decade ago
Sydney I love you just the way you are and I am always here if you need to talk <3 Your one of my best friends and it kills me to see you fall like this. Btw, your beautiful. have you looked at yourself ?
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lonely_one · 1 decade ago
you're not alone. i feel the same way.. :( </3
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