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Call It a Coincidence
part twenty four--> Talia 

As I headed down the stairs another guy stopped me.
"who are you?" He said
"Um. I'm Talia... Cory's friend. Who are you?" I asked
"I don't feel I have to answer that, If this is my house." He said softly.
His dad? I stared at him
"I'm Charlie. Cory's older brother. Why are you here?" 
"Well- uh. Co- Cory, he invited me over last night and- we fell asleep, I'm going home now." I tried to go past Charlie, but he turned every way I did.
"You spent the night eh? You and Cory?" He raised his eyebrows up and down. 
"No. It's not like that-"  I started
"Then what IS it like?" I stood there looking at Charlie- Not knowing how to answer
"I know about the mall this summer. And the beach a few days ago, and I'm pretty sure I know what happened last night. So, tell me what You think it is, then I'll tell you what I think is going on." Charlie crossed his arms.
"Um... I- We- It-" I stuttered
"Um I- We-" He mimicked me
I glared at him "I don't. Like Cory-"
"You 'feel bad for him'? He played that card?"
"What... card?" I asked
 "The oh- I have a bad life, cry cry." He sat down
"Yeah?" I turned and looked at Cory's door.
"Don't act so shocked sweet heart. I'm his older bro. I know all his tricks. See ya around." And he waved me goodbye. I grabbed the door handle "Oh, one more thing- Don't feel special. This isn't anything different than the other girl's he's brought home. Best bet? Just stay away, You don't really think you mean something to him do you? He doesn't get close to anyone. But it's your call" He smiled and waved again. 
I stared at Charlie a minute then ran out the door. 


"Hey" I woke up and saw Talia.
"Hi" She said quietly.
She stood up quickly and said she had to go. What ever. I rolled back over and fell back asleep.
I wasn't asleep for long when I heard Charlie talking to someone, when I got downstairs I saw Talia running to her car.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?" I screamed at him.
"Told her the truth lil' bro." He said innocently
"CHARLIE! What did YOU SAY!" I yelled
"Welll" He smirked "I told her she shouldn't feel special- that this isn't unusual for... you" he laughed
"Charlie. I actually liked her! I can't believe you!" I got up in his face.
"No you didn't! It's never that way Cory!" 
"Not this time. I hate you." I punched his stomach and ran outside. Remembering I had no car I ran to our shed- grabbed my skate board and rode off.

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Call It a Coincidence part twenty four--> Talia As I headed

7 faves · 1 comments · Apr 18, 2011 2:16pm






partychic_x · 1 decade ago
pleaseewriteeanotherpart x
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