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I Don't Wear Makeup.
I'm 14, not 40; my skin is already looking young.
I think all 25 year olds and lower shouldn't.
If you have spots, use concealer.
Don't try and make yourself age before it's natural.

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I Don't Wear Makeup. I'm 14, not 40; my skin is already

15 faves · 2 comments · Apr 3, 2011 12:33pm






9teen9ty6 · 1 decade ago
I know what you mean PinkBubble, but it's not good if have to rely on fakeness to make you feel beautiful. You have to reach inside a little bit more, gets someone to help with your insecurities (not you per say those who wear lots of it) because it's not necessary as I say, you already have young skin and that's what makeup is for, making you look younger and if you're 13, 14, 15 how much younger do you want to look, know what I mean?
A little bit isn't too bad but again, it's not necessary. I know it's not easy if you have low self esteem I do have low self esteem but I know makeup wont change that. It's something inside of me, not something on the outside can fix. Ha, rant over hehe.
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PinkBubble · 1 decade ago
I wear makeup ,
and I think that if you wear just a bit , that its okay ...
Besides, some people don't have the confidence to walk around without it♥.
So I commend you for being able to do that .
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