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you know your a 90's KID when...

you ended a sentence with "SIKE"
you remember reading the Goosebumps books
you danced to the Sp
ice Girls
you knew that the pink and red power rangers were meant to be together
you played with marbles at recess
you knew that "How Rude!" comes from Stephanie on
Full House
"Talk to the Hand!" ...enough said....
you thought Bill Nye was the coolest man alive
you always said,
"Well why dont you marry it?"
boys had cooties
you can sing the rap to
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
you took your favorite tin cartoon lunchbox to school
you get the urge to say "NOT!" after every sentence
you got injured on a slip n slide
you had at least one
new beanie babies were always sold out
you got in trouble for wearing a
slap bracelet

yepp. i was a 90's kid

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you know your a 90's KID when...you ended a sentence with "SIKE"you

2 faves · Aug 3, 2008 9:19am






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