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When we first met,
I never imagined we would be more than just friends.
I didn't start to "like" you for about a month.
To me, you were just another guy.
You flirted with me,
And called me beautiful,
But it took me awhile to developed feelings for you.
I was never into the whole "long distance" thing.
I really did not want to start a relationship with you,
Because I knew it would never last.

The first few months with you were amazing.
We talked every day,
And you were so kind and caring towards me.
You shared things with me,
That you never told anyone else.
You told me about your rough past,
 And how you were addicted to drugs in eighth grade.
You always listened to me,
And I think that's what made me fall in love with you.

Before, I could never share my real feelings with anyone.
I couldn't tell my parents,
Because I knew they wouldn't listen.
And I couldn't tell my friends,
Because I didn't want them seeing "the real me".

The past few months have been hard for me.
We don't talk as often.
But when we do,
I feel so much better.
I don't really like coming to you with my "problems" anymore,
Because I know that you already go through enough,
And that's the last thing you need.

I have had doubts before,
About our relationship,
And what is going to happen with "us".
But I always try and keep my head up.

I know that one day,
When we see each other for the first time,
Our relationship will change,
And I will be the happiest girl on the earth.

It's been five and a half months,
And I'm happy to say,
That I was wrong.
We are making this work.
I love you so much.

If you just read all of that,
Thank you.


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When we first met, I never imagined we would be more than just

76 faves · 6 comments · Mar 18, 2011 4:08pm






beastgirl5555 · 1 decade ago
Awww im so sorry :( yeah, the past few months have been really hard on me. We rarley talk anymore, and NEVER text. It really hurt me, when this first started happening. But i'm trying to stay positive and trying to make "us" work.
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LoveIsForLosers96 · 1 decade ago
he moved to indiana, and then this happened. and i fell in love with him. it was 10 months, and a few days ago...he told me hes done with me, doesnt like me. to make matters even worse...hes asking another girl out. when we were at our 7 month mark, i felt the exact same as you...we had problems with distance and communication...but we decided to make it work because we "love" each other. i still love him, and now...im just left feeling hurt and alone. :/
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beastgirl5555 · 1 decade ago
haha thank you :) I kinda of just about EVERYTHING on witty :) and i'm shocked to see how many girls are going through the exact same thing. once again, thank you :)
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cHeeRiNg4LIFE · 1 decade ago
I seriously, am in love with this quote.
I cant believe someone actullyy knows how i feel.
love love love this quote(:
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beastgirl5555 · 1 decade ago
yeah i know :/ he still drinks, which i really don't like at all. i have told him that i don't like it, but i don't really have any control of what he does :/
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xoxolivelovelaughxoxo · 1 decade ago
O my gosh so i have a boyfriend that is like exactly the same we have been dating for almost 2 years and i havent seen him in like 7 months because of his drug addictions. Be careful sometimes when then say they have changed they really havent and you find out months later the harsh reality that they lied to you all along. But it's always good to make things work. :)
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