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Stay Beautiful Chapter 10
“I know,” he replied. I giggled. “You don’t have much to say, do you?” I asked him. “I guess not,” he replied. We walked out to his car, holding hands. “Do you want to go to the beach for a little while?” he asked, looking at his phone. “Its 11:33, we still have a little time before you have to go home.” “Yeah sure,” I said, smiling. We went to the beach and played in the sand. We went by the water and got our feet wet. He hugged me by my waist. “Chelsie, I have to ask you something,” he said, grabbing my hand. I nodded.  “I know we just met today, but will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. I smiled. “Of course.” I replied. I kissed him. Yep, I made the first move. Remember that ladies ;). He got out his phone and checked the time.  “It’s 11:50. I think we should get going,” he said. We walked back to the car. “So I heard today is your birthday,” he said. I nodded. “Happy birthday,” he said, leaning in and kissing my cheek. I smiled and said, “Thanks.” We drove back to my house. He opened the car door for me. There were 2 other cars there. What the hell? I thought. We walked inside. “Happy birthday!” Cass, Hayley, Sam, Nataly, Luke, Conner, Robert, Brittney, Audrey, and my mom yelled. But there was someone else there. And it wasn’t just anyone. It was my dad.
Sorry its short! i wanted to end it here(:
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Stay Beautiful Chapter 10 “I know,” he replied. I

9 faves · 2 comments · Mar 12, 2011 11:41pm






JcSoCool · 1 decade ago
Keep it going. I absaloutly love it. Great Work!
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i_wish_he_was_mine27 · 1 decade ago
Keep writing! I love this and its frikin amazing! Good job!
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