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He's not perfect;
He messes with my feelings all the timeHe ignores me and then pulls me back in - he's good
at it too. He flirts with other girls to make me jealous. When I punch him, he punches me back. He texts
back really slow and sometimes, he doesn't feel like texting back at all. He will lead me on then leave
me, then come back. He laughs at my stupidity, not at my jokes. And he's not a big fan of my friends.
When I ask him to carry my books, he'll make me carry his. He can do anything he wants but just
one look at me with those big eyes and I'll be his forever- he knows it too.
He's immature, takes advantage,and makes fun of me way to much.
But I love him that way.

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He's not perfect; He messes with my feelings all the time.

37 faves · Mar 10, 2011 7:19pm





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