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i'm not afraid to take a stand.
stop where you are right now. what was the last thing you said? what was the last thing you said about someone else? was it positive? if not, why did you say it? did you think first? did you consider the person it was about? does what you said have anything to do with your life? if not, why did you say it? that's right, you don't know. imagine being in that person's shoes. imagine being the person everybody's talking about. if you've never had to experience it for yourself, let me tell you, it's not fun. what i want you to do, every person reading this, is to think before you talk next time. before you tell all your friends about whose kissing who, sexting who, blowing who, talking to whom, whose drinking what, smoking what, whatever the situation may be. ask yourself this. "what does this have to do with me?" if the answer is nothing, don't say it. it's none of your business. let's take a stand. let's all try to better the world. let's all try to show some respect for others. let's all try to live out the golden rule.
everybody come take my hand.

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i'm not afraid to take a stand. stop where you are right

7 faves · Mar 9, 2011 1:33am






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