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No matter how hard i try I can't forget us.........

No matter how hard i try I can't forget our memories

No matter how hard i try I can't forget your long warm hugs..........

No matter how hard i try I can't forget our first dance........

No matter how hard i try I can't forget the way i felt when you looked me in the eyes...........

I can't forget our first valentines day, and our first hug..........

But i can forget why i broke your heart...... but i remember it was a big mistake..........

Because i loved you, and i know you loved me..........

I remember the time you broke my heart..... and remember saying to myself why is he doing this he likes me.....

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No matter how hard i try I can't forget us......... No matter

4 faves · Mar 8, 2011 7:35pm






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