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You: Why do you love me so much?

*Well... I love how you smile when we have nothing to say, I love how you care so much about me, I love how you are always telling me how amazing my eyes are, I love how when you tell me sweetdreams I fall asleep smiling, I love how you are always in my dreams, I love how I know I'm all yours, I love how I  know I can really trust you, I love how you call me baby, I love how you go out of your way to make sure I'm happy, I love how your texts always seem so shy, I love how you always say sorry, I love how you know me so well, I love how you are all I think about, I love... everything about you*

Me: I'll tell you some other time, I'd like to get some sleep tonight;)
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You: Why do you love me so much? *Well... I love how you smile

11 faves · Mar 4, 2011 12:07pm






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