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If I ignore you, don't ignore me back.
Try and get my attention.
If I brush away your hand as you try to hold it,
grab it and let me know you really care.
Don't just give up.
If I seem like I'm doubting you and us,
reassure me that this is just one
of a million obstacles
we're going to go through in this relationship.
Don't act all depressed and beat yourself up about it.
If you get the feeling that I want to leave you,
don't just sit back and watch me.
Don't say, "you can leave me if you want to".
Fight for me.
Tell me how much you want me to stay.
I'm just a girl.
And I need to feel needed sometimes.


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If I ignore you, don't ignore me back. Try and get my attention.

155 faves · Feb 28, 2011 3:14pm






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