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to all you heartbroken girls out there;
i'll be the first to tell you,
heatbreak sucks.
i know what it feels like to have that empty feeling in your stomach
and the lump in your throat that seems to never go away.
i know what it feels like to be crying so hard you feel like you're gonna throw up
and to be screaming into your pillow that is soaked from tears.
i know what it feels like to be crying in the shower to the point where you have to sit down
and to not want to go to bed because you think there will be no reason to wake up.
i know what it feels like to not be able to eat because you just cant swallow
and i know how hard you cry around your mom, when she's sitting with you rubbing your back& telling you everything will be alright.
but i'll also be the first to tell you
you're gonna get through this, i promise
it's been almost 6 months since i've felt that way
& no, i'm not over him & yes, i still cry
but it gets easier& the pain fades away
you don't deserve what you're going through

.. if this helps just one girl, i'm happy that i took all the time to make it

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to all you heartbroken girls out there; i'll be the first

46 faves · Feb 21, 2011 12:18am





break up

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