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He's my adventure & music's my escape
Chapter 2


I took my bike and started to pedal downtown L.A.
My school was kinda far away
Everyone was soo rich here in Los Angeles I mean almost every star lived here it was CRAZY!!
I was not rich or poor I was a normal girl living in a good house I was not rich like Ann but I loved how my family was.
Finally in my school Los Angeles middle school I grabbed my backpack and headed to my door I went  to my locker...
- Hey!! said Sara
-What's up?
-Nothing wait.. what subject's the next one?
- Hmmm let me check .. english
-Thnxs hey did you here about Stephen's party?! said Sara
- No I nodded
Everyone's going
-Well of course everyone is going he's the most popular guy in school ooh and he thinks everyone is going to sleep with him, he thinks he is the hottest thing on Earth!!!
-Addmit it he's hot he's on our football team the panthers.
-Yeah.. soo?
-Well im kindaa crushing on him ..
-Wtf we hate him!
-He's beautiful.. Sara said
Oooh it's time for class..  I said

:) hope ur liking it Brenda xoxo

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He's my adventure & music's my escape Chapter 2 I

2 faves · Feb 20, 2011 4:57pm






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