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So,  you have it bad.
He broke your heart, and you hate him for it
But   ,     I'm   Gonna     Be     Honest     With    You Someone, somewhere
has it  so much worse.
may have abusive parents; They may live on the streets. They may have no home. They may have alcoholic parents. They may have to beg for money. They may have to work in dire conditions to provide.
Now, They Have It Hard.
&here we are. moping around all sad cause he broke up with you. here we are,depressed  because our friends have made new friends. now, if your reading this; you must somehow have internet connection. you may have it in your room, your house or you may be using a public computer - you still have it.you may not have the most expensive, flash phone, house, clothes. but at least you have a roof over your head. decent food. clean water. even if you dont have all this, remember - you could have it worse

sorry, im just sick of everyone taking everything for granted. i needed to vent.

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8 faves · 1 comments · Feb 18, 2011 5:54pm






TamerIsLamex3 · 1 decade ago
Ohh, & not my format (:
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