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i  wish  people  knew.
how much their words can hurt someone. I wish people understood that the things they are saying, could be enough to end someone's life. I am suicidal, and I keep it a secret at school. I mean, I get made fun of enough, I don't need that to play a factor. We watched a movie in class today where the main character ended up killing himself, and one boy, jokingly, said, "Why don't you go kill yourself and make us all happy?" to me. I was crushed. I wish he knew the long term effect this could have on me. The kids that make fun of me at school are really starting to kill me. Even the things they said last year, still haunt me as I walk through the dreaded hallways. By the time I turned 14 years old, I had attempted suicide 4 times, and was at the point where I was cutting myself every single day. I wish kids had the responsibility and the common sense to think before they act. A little maturity goes a long way. Remember that.

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i wish people knew. how much their words can hurt someone. I

9 faves · 2 comments · Feb 16, 2011 9:20pm






WordsUnspoken · 1 decade ago
thank you so much ♥
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o0krista0o · 1 decade ago
that made me cry. that's terrible. no one should be treated that way. people need to learn to think before they talk. i'm sure you're beautiful and strong and get throug anything. stay as great as you are<3
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