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Cause you're the reason
That I stay up until midnight listening to love songs;
That Valentine's day junk at the grocery store reminds me of you;
That I wake up early to make myself look more attractive;
That I have dreams about our fairy tale;
That I cry when I hear about the other girls;
That I secretly look for you every day in the halls;
That when I'm with my friends, all I can talk about is you;
That other girls get jealous when you talk about me;
That I stay up late talking to you even though I'm as tired as f••k;
That I wait by my phone just to see your name light up the screen;
That every time I write a love quote on witty, it's for you;
That I put my quotes in the "love" category;
That when we dance, I have my head in the clouds;
That when I see your face, I get butterflies;
That when our eyes meet, our smiles are contagious,
That your voice gives me chills;
That whenever you say my name,  my heart races;
That I space off in class thinking of you;
That I'll be head over heels on Valentine's Day,
because I

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<3 Cause you're the reason That I stay up until midnight

195 faves · Feb 13, 2011 9:12pm






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