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Forgotten in the Chaos


     Sunlight had broken through the cracks in my curtains, bounced against my yellow walls and reflected into my hazel eye. Yes I said my hazel eye, because my right eye is colored a swirl of brown and green most people call hazel, my left eye colored a ghostly baby blue. They trip people out when people meet me for the first time or when they realize the big different in color, but I find them mesmerizing. My eyes are my trademark, they are how people remember me.
     Standing in my closet surrounded by my clothes, I pulled out my favorite pair of skinny jeans and slid into them. Next, I stood on my tiptoes and pulled down my favorite graphic t-shirt. Along with my favorite shirt though came just about my whole collection of shirts. I dug through my shirts until I found the one I initially wanted, a bright blue baby tee covered with converse and stunna shades, and slid it over my head, the nape of my neck slightly getting wet from the moisture drawn from my hair when I pulled my shirt over my head. Tiptoeing around my clothes strewn over the plush carpet of my walk-in closet, I quickly grab a pair of black socks and my converse and throw them on the bed. Heading over to my mirror, I pull up my director's chair and take a seat. Flicking on my blow dryer, I ran my fingers through my short hair, spiking the ends out. Then, I ran my blow dryer over my hair, each section individually until it lain flat against my head.
     Once I finished blow drying my hair, I grabbed my can of Freeze It hairspray and went to work on my hair until it stood out like a pixie cut, then straightened my bangs and teased them up a bit. I darkened my eyes with eyeliner and mascara, then leaned back to grab my socks and shoes off my silky sheets covering my bed. A quick honk came from outside and I rushed my window to see my friend Brittany's Honda Civic sitting in my driveway.
     "Danielle! Brittany's here!" My mom yelled from the kitchen just a mere fifty feet from my room.
     Hopping around, I got my shoes on, grabbed my over-the-shoulder canvas bag, doused myself with Cool Water for Women, and jolted out of my room. I swung by the kitchen, grabbed a banana nut muffin and a bottle of chocolate milk, then gave my mom a peck on the cheek and headed out the door.

Part 2
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Forgotten in the Chaos Danielle Sunlight had broken through the

6 faves · 1 comments · Feb 13, 2011 7:33pm






RisingStar1217 · 1 decade ago
PLEASE continue writing this story! :) its really good! :D
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