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Dear someone;
please help me.
I've lost myself.
I don't know who i've become.
I used to have it all and now i feel as if i'm alone in this world.
I used to have that best friend I could tell anything,
now I don't trust anyone.
because i've realized that everyone will let you down eventually.
I've done so much that I regret.
I can't forget any of it.
my past haunts my every thought.
I don't want to be known the way I am.
I don't want to be this anymore,
I need to find myself


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Dear someone; please help me. I've lost myself. I don't

5 faves · 4 comments · Feb 11, 2011 9:05pm






FutureWriter324 · 1 decade ago
I know exactlyy how you feel... But things get better eventually. I promise. If you ever want to talk I'm here just message me. (:
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deadangel · 1 decade ago
i know how u feel because i feel the same way. My friend keeps spreading lies about me and i feel like a cant trust ANYONE now :'(
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musicobsesd09 · 1 decade ago
i know how u feel :( but chica, everything get's better i promise. karma has a way with things, and eventually, she'll be begging for u back but ull have awesomer, cooler friends than her.
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DeadlyDarlingx · 1 decade ago
I'll help you.
I used to feel the same way.
Like everything you've ever wanted and had is lost; like there's no hope.
deep inside of you, there is hope. you know it. I'm here to help you.
I'm sorry that you're feeling like this. Everything will be okay. I promise. Name everything you've lost and find ways to get it back, start planning ahead. you have to get yourself intact before anything. My email is UndeadArmy1314@gmail.com.
if you need to talk, i'm here. just email me.
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