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boy texts you: hey

*thought process*
Oh my God.. he just text
ed me..
I wonder what he wants..
maybe he just wants to talk...
maybe he's mad at me,
i mean all he said was hey...
I should just answer him,
i don't want to keep him waiting...
well maybe i'll wait
another 3 minutes so he thinks
 i'm busy... no, that's too obvious.
Could this mean he's into me?
Or is he just bored? Either way is fine,
i mean i don't care if he likes me back.
who said that i even liked him?!
 i'm just gonna text him back now.
Should i reply hi or hey?
or hey with three y's?
no that's stupid. 2 y's works.
He won't know if i did it on purpose
or if it was just accidental. Okay. I got this.

Breath in, breath out.

responce : heyy
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boy texts you: hey *thought process* Oh my God.. he just texted

13 faves · Feb 7, 2011 10:46pm






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