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i feel like a LOSER.
All I did was say 'hi', walk by you laughing, walk by you talking loudly, slow down a bit so that we could walk side by side to our next class, make sure i was wearing something that you wouldn't think was really girly and doesn't look good, i would try to bump into as the hallway trafic increased to make you turn around and make me say 'sorry' to which you lead to say 'hey its fine' then just maybe [[ i hoped ]]  we would pick up a conversation from that point and talk to then which i would see your blue eyes shimmer, your voice flow and you, yourself, be talking to me. But even though my dreams never came true, I will always look back to those moments of the times that I saw you...and wish I never did so. The good times last year are gone, my love for you has grown to strong and you don't love me back. I wish we could at least still be friends, I miss you. </3
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i feel like a LOSER.All I did was say 'hi', walk by you laughing,

0 faves · Jun 24, 2008 5:30pm




