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Kiss me in the rain
i want you to kiss me in the rain
and leave behind all the unwanted pain
just take me outside on the rainest day
push my bangs out of the way
flash me your oh so handsome smile
stare at me for a little while
say you love me then start to lean in
close my eyes and let the action begin
just a kiss on the cheeck at first
look at me so happy im ready to burst
you lean in again and liss me on the lips
a roar of thunder booms the sky it rips
rain has drenched both me and you
i know now our love is true
as we watch the lightning in the sky
we hug and hug as time goes by
never leave me we say to each other
there will never be another
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Kiss me in the raini want you to kiss me in the rainand leave

2 faves · Jun 24, 2008 12:39pm






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