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How many people will read this after they see that?
There is a girl I know who is just 15 and got diagnosed with cancer.
It was in her bones, and also got into her lungs.
She had part of her lung removed and went though chemotherapy to get rid of the rest of it.
This is a true story.
She was fine for a while, one of her friends family had multiple blood drives in her honor. 
She went to Spaulding Rehab for a little while and was getting much better.
She was then allowed to go home after she passed some tests.
The girl went back to the doctors and got her blood and such checked again.
The cancer was back.
It has gotten into her lungs again and the doctors know that if they operate it will not help.
So right now she is back home and does not know how long she has to live.
The doctors had planned for her to go back to Spaulding Rehab but once they got this news they changed their minds.
May I remind you that she is only 15?
She has a whole lifetime ahead of her and she may not have the chance to live it. 
She is home with her family, but how happy can you be knowing that you could die any day?
<3 this if you feel for her.

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CANCER. How many people will read this after they see that? There

8 faves · Jan 6, 2011 3:16pm






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