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My friend wanted a story...
this is what i say:
Once Upon a time. 
There was a GIANT whale.. 
i'm talkin the size of my dick.
& his name was wally.

Wally loved little boys,
Not in a Micheal Jackson kinda of way.
But in a friendly kind of way.
One time, this kid named nick was on the boat w/ his dad,
& he went missing.

His dad searched & searched for him for years,
but gave up , thinking he drowned.

You see, nick didn't drowned.
He realllly went under the water
& lived withwallly for many years ,

They played games, ate fish, & sometimes watched the sunset .
When Nick finally decided he wanted to go home,
 wally wouldnt let him

Instead, he ate him.
Bye bye nick ):
The end. (:
 [[ fav if you think that was the stupidest story in the world ]] 

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My friend wanted a story... this is what i say: Once Upon a time.

12 faves · Dec 30, 2010 2:48pm






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