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Love is an emotion shared between two people. Age, gender, height, weight doesn't matter. It's the person inside that makes you love them. When you're with them, you forget about everything else going on all you see is that one person you're completely in love with. It doesn't matter how long you've known them, the fact they've been there for you throughout the time you've known them is what makes a difference. When you really love a person you forget about the times they've made mistakes or the times they were an a**hole, b*tch, etc. The only thing that matters is being with them no matter what the circumstance. They tell you they love you at the most random times and make you the happiest you've ever been. That's Love.
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♥ Love is an emotion shared between two people. Age, gender,

15 faves · Dec 14, 2010 8:16pm






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