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"I could sit here and tell you a million pretty things.
I could compare you to the stars or the moon.
I could go on about your smile, your eyes, or the shiver
I get down my back every single time you hold my hand.
I could say all that, but the truth is in every line. A whisper
in your ear wouldn’t add up. I’m kind of a wreck. I could
never describe how I feel about you because the word
‘love’ just doesn’t do it.. but it’s all I got. I love you. I’ve
known for too long, and all I know is it's the last thing you
want to hear from me. I don’t want you to say it back, not yet,
not even if for some reason you want to. It’s not something I
want whispered at the end of every phone conversation and
every time we say goodbye because I don’t want to cheapen
it by trying to put words to the way I feel about you when there
aren’t really any words, even for me - which is impressive. I
just want you to know that it's how I feel about you,
so I’m not gonna mess this up, okay?

all I want is you."

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"I could sit here and tell you a million pretty things.

5 faves · Dec 10, 2010 3:39pm






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