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3 faves · 2 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




natasha_superman · 1 decade ago
awww Tina. :( i completly agree with "killmeryan" although i would miss you soooo much...id feel selfish to ask you to stay here when you could be in china, figuring your life out. figuring out what you want to do.

just do what makes you happy. think abut the pros and cons.

if you go for this guy and he breaks your heart. you will be competly shattered. and heartbrocken. but that will only make you stronger. sure, you might dwell on it for a very long time. but you will live. and every heartbreak is one closer to finding mr.prince charming :)
but if you DO go for this guy, and stay here.....what are you gonna do about your "bestfriend" ? do you still want to be friends with her?
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killmeryan · 1 decade ago
; Welll the person who wrote before is totally unhelpful. But you should do what you want. Don't let a guy keep you from doing what you want, you should go to china. It's not forever. It's not running away. It's space, and time. To think. I've had a lot of friends.. Who are into pot. And sooner or later.. It get's into bigger probs like coke.. or meth. So you should stay away from her. And drugs. Don't let what other people call you bother you either. You can't be a or a or anything they called you. He wasn't exactly seeing anyone therefore, have atter. Go to china! take a some sort of vacation.. If it feels like running away, make in an adventure ! Have fun. Do things your scared of, but nothing risky. Sincerely Ryan !
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