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If I could see one last thing before I go blind, It would be you smile, I haven't seen that in awhile. If I could hear one last thing before I go deaf, It would be your perfect laugh, sometimes it made me lose my breath. If I could taste one last thing, before I lose all flavor, it would be your kiss, your minty breath I'd savor. If I could smell one last thing, before the sense disappears, it would be you and how you smelled so good, it always put me to tears. If I could touch one last thing before my nerves are dead, it would be you I feel, your arms around me, and that feeling that you'd never let me go, and if you ever did, that's something I would dread.
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If I could see one last thing before I go blind, It would be

0 faves · Jan 27, 2008 10:50am




