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I have an issue.
Theres this guy, yes
a guy.
1. We have never had a full on conversation.
2. He has 5th period with my best friend every day, and their friends.
3. They have talked about me and he knows that me and allie are best friends and about me.
4. At lunch, my friend told me that he was asking where I was and he was trying to find me after school too.
5. I wrote on his facebook wall saying "I heard you were looking for me today.." and he replyed "I wanted to see my schneebs!" (thats sort of my nickname)
6. In their 5th period class, he wrote "me + schneebs" in a heart and showed it to allie. then he wrote "allie +me" with an x over it.
7. When we see each other in the hall I scream "CAMERON!" and he goes "SCHNEEBS!" and starts smiling and then i blush and we laugh.
8. He's friends with everyone; including many girls.
9. I'm not sure if he acts similar to all the girls..but yeah.
10. I THINK I LIKE HIM, but i dont know if he's using me to get to allie or just joking around or what.
please help me and tell me what you think I NEED ADVICE and I dont know who to ask, so I'm asking everyone on Witty. I LOVE YOU AND PLEASE HELP. :)

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I have an issue. Theres this guy, yes a guy. 1. We have never

1 faves · 2 comments · Nov 4, 2010 5:07pm






Giiannaaax0 · 1 decade ago
I agree with converse036, because by like doing allie+cameron with a cross over it could be like flirting but if he did yours with a heart tht also flirting.. find out who he actually likes and dont like creep on him just like see how he acts around girls, if theres a difference between how he asks around u & around himm.
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converse036 · 1 decade ago
you should ask Allie to investigate for you. To ask him ?'s without being to obvious.
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