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hey witty,
     here is to all my followers, commenters, and favoriters. i am extremely sorry. i havnt been on witty, let alone written since september. it has gotten so hard to find the time to write the next parts to my story. it almost makes me want to cry because i have so many followers, and its alot more than i had ever expected. so i am so sorry to say to all of you that i havnt updated. i have barley even thought about the next parts of the story. with school and sports ect, it has gotten so stressfull and my story has honestly been the last thing on my mind. i want to write more, so much more. i had amazing ideas for this story. sadly i cant remember all of them. in the times that i have thought about the story.... ive thought of ending the story. but i dont want it to be a "and they lived happily ever after" ending, because its so expected. but at the same time i want to continue so badly. i have ideas for another story, but i love the story i have going so very much and i know alot alot alot of you really like it too. so i promise that i wont end the story if you promise me to be patient and wait for the next parts. i will try as hard as i possibly can get the updates up. i promise that during christmas break i will post atleast 5 chapters. and i promise that next summer, i will go back to writing full force. i love each and every single one of my fans. please no that i am so extremly sorry that i havnt written. it really does pain me not to keep you updated. i have set up an aim and email account just so you guys can talk to me and let me know what you guys wanna possibly see in my story, if you just wanna chat, and more. i might even have a contest or 2. i sware im going to do the best i possibly can. i love you all so much! dont ever forget it!! email me! IM me! please, i would l.o.v.e to hear from you guys!! so MWAHH! hugs and kisses to all of you!

aim: LoveIsForever813

email: LoveIsForever813@aim.com

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hey witty, here is to all my followers, commenters, and favoriters.

4 faves · Oct 15, 2010 12:00am






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