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This is the conversation with me and my crush after he gets a girlfriend when me and him both had feelings for each other before she even came into the picture!

Me: Hi
Him: Hi whats up?<Oct. 2 10:26>  <--- (thats him and his gf date as his signature that come after every message)
Me: nothing really bored
Him: fun stuff
Me: so hows life?
Him: Pretty good=) lol hbu
Me: Its goodish not the best =/ haven't talk to you in a while compared before
Him: Yea true and im the reason y the =/ is there
Me:...yeh i just miss you and i rlly care about you idk it just not the same...=/
Him: So ur upset that i have a gf and that you liked me but it didnt seem that way at jasons and the soccer fields but im sorry...? (we have both liked each other for a while)
Me: yeh im upset who wouldnt be. but at the fields and at jasons house i liked you thats y i held hands with you at jasons like ___  honestly i miss the way it use to be
Him: Im sorry

I dont know what to do like comment and help me me and him have been though so much and i just dont no what to do..


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This is the conversation with me and my crush after he gets a

0 faves · Oct 11, 2010 12:22pm




