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Quiz ♥


Name: Gabby :]
Birthday: April 8th
Current Location: New Yorkk 
Current Mood: boredd..at school :]


Flower: daisyl
Color: lime green!
Restaurant: applebees!
Store: American Eagel
Designer: Dont caree
Animal: DOG!
Drink: Coke...not pepsi

This That or Both:

Summer or Winter: Summer 
Shoes or Purse: Shoes
Jeans or Skirt:  Jeans

Showers or Baths: Showeer
Rich or Famous: Do I have to choose?
Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds
Nsync or Backstreet Boys: Backstree boys
Yoga or Sports: Sportss
Ocean or Pool: Ocean. by far
Pink or Blue: Blue
White or Black: White
Real tan or Tanning beds: Real Tanning
Preppy or Gothic: Preppy
Eyeliner or Mascara:  NATURAL BEAUTY!... i dont wear makeup
Lipgloss or Lipstick: Neithher.. i dont wear makeup!

Taken or Single: Singlee... :] 
Relationships or Flings: relationships
What's more important looks or personality: personality.. i love a guy with nice eyess tho
Longest relationship: 5 month
Shortest relationship: like a day...
Crush?: yeahh
Does he know you like him: nah
Do you believe in soulmates: not suree
Do you like romantic guys: heelll yeahh :]
Flowers or candy? Candy.. im fatt
Have you been in love: im still a kid so not rly.
Did it work out: it would have
Has any guy ever cheated on you: kindaa
Have you ever cheated: no.. in to nice

Who's your best friend: have to many
Do you tell him/her everything: yes of course
Is this person number 1 on your friends list: why not
Would you do anything for him/her: of coursee
Can you be yourself in front of your girls: they love me bc im crazyy :]
Do you spend lots of time shopping with them: i guess
Is it better to have lots of buddies or one or two best friends: 2 best friends 
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Quiz ♥ Basics Name: Gabby :] Birthday: April 8th Current

1 faves · Oct 6, 2010 11:01am






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