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a house in wish is very old,
Lives a child hurt and cold,
there she sits on the hard wooden floor,
her body beaten, her body sore,
In her arms there is one little doll,
one of which has a soul,
The girl is weak still on the floor,

Her eyes are red ,her eyes are sore,
"Come dear child do not cry,
We'll be together long after you die,
We shall play and dance and sing all night,
along with the others who never see light,
in this never ending ball there will be,
angels with harps playing sweet melodys,
come dear child please don't fear,

do not cry another tear,"
said the little doll,
one of which has a soul,
the little child with eyes filled with fright,
took her last breath long with her doll skipped into the night,
where they played and danced and sang all night,
with the others who never saw light, where the angels with harps played sweet melodys

By Tails
p.s excuse the spelling mistakes
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a house in wish is very old, Lives a child hurt and cold, there

3 faves · 4 comments · Oct 3, 2010 5:49pm






EssRox · 1 decade ago
That's really gorgeous :)You sound incredibly mature and experienced for a girl of your age! (: Keep up the FANTABULOUS WORK!
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Tails · 1 decade ago
ok thanks for your feedback :] im glad you like it though
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notime4stopsigns · 1 decade ago
this is beautiful. i'd edit it a bit, you used sore to many times in diff. context so it sounds funny, but good work otherwise! :)
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Tails · 1 decade ago
i hope you like it
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