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The White Mask

One ...two ...three...she slowly opened her eyes.
Slowly she stared into the eyes of her killler triying to see his features.
Suddenly she saw a slight resemblence to someone she knew...
the killler loooked at her looking at him and smiled a sly little smile
as he did that she felt her body grew tence. Suddenly she felt she was in danger...she was expecting maybe a grounding from her parents for staying out past curfew but nothing like this crossed her mind. She only thought characters in books got into situations like this not 14 year old girls.
As she sat there waiting to see what would happen next she thought to herself what did i do to diserve this?
As she thought this her killlller slowly walked away once he was out of sight she tried to get free...suddenly she realised that was a bad idea.....
to be continued....


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The White Mask One ...two ...three...she slowly opened her eyes.

3 faves · Sep 29, 2010 9:21pm






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