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its not colorful I know but its true,

: I hate who you are when
 your around your friends, your
completely different. and Im
not telling you to choose me or
your friends but I just wanna say
I love you soo much and I could
never be able to live without you.
I wanna be with you forever and
I hope you feel the same. and I
 wanna make it happen . I wanna
be with you forever but I'll tell you
straight up.. just hate your friends
and when your around them who
you become.I've learned to live with
people I don't like all my life and
thats what im gunna do to be with you.


Girl: You know you mean the world to
me and I would never purposely do that
to hurt you. I love you with all my heart
and that will never change. I do wanna
be with you forever and I can't controll
my friends its just them. but I can controll
how I act when im with them and you.
(Tears go down her face)
just you know when I hate when we
fight. and it gets hard for me when I try to
talk to you any you just walk away.
I love you and I wanna be with you forever .
you just gotta understand even though we
fight alot that will never change.

Just thought I'd share my night with you.
that was between me and my boyfriend.
we got in a fight at the football game.
favorite? it took me a while.


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PLEASE READ. its not colorful I know but its true, Boy: I hate

9 faves · 2 comments · Sep 10, 2010 9:52pm






peacelovelifeexo · 1 decade ago
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quotesaremyescape · 1 decade ago
my boyfriend & i are the same way. like he said the same thing, & he doesnt like my friends. & im glad you & him can work this out. <3
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