Witty Profiles

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Hey there Wittyians(:

Have you ever wanted to know who everyone was here on witty?
Well know you can!

I'm going to be making a list off everyone here on Witty Profiles.
With their username and (if they want to share it) their age and birthday. Also what kind of profile they have. So if your looking for a layout you can come here and look next to someone's name and see that they make layouts.

So how am I doing this?
well, I'm going to ask EVERY one of you to leave a comment saying to add you, and adding your birthday and age are optional and what kind of quotes you make.

Excited? Me too(:
so just leave a quick comment on my page and wait for others to do the same
Next Quote >

Hey there Wittyians(: Have you ever wanted to know who everyone

0 faves · Sep 3, 2010 6:20pm




