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Brandi walks into the kitchen, her shoes in her hand.
            “The ‘rents already left for the-“ I stop mid sentence when I see who she walked in with. It’s the guy, the guy that was in my dream. The one I don’t know whether to trust or not. I look at Brandi. “Who the hell is he?”
            She laughs, “Good morning to you too.” She sets her shoes on the table, I notice ones broken. I don’t bother to ask, she’s always tripping. “He’s one of my new body guards.” She pours herself a cup of coffee. ”Do you want some?” She asks me.
            “No thanks.”
            She turns to the guy, “How about you Jr?”
            Ahh, so now I have a name. Jr. most likely a nick name. Jr shakes his head and told her he had some in the staff lounge, she shrugs but looks him over an extra second. I don’t like it. I  walk over to her and slip my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder, I kiss her neck. She gives me an odd look.
            I laugh, “What? We’re gonna be married. I’m just trying to be a good fiancé.”
            “Hmm.” She says. She walks away from my hold and gets the creamer from the fridge. She grabs it and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “That’s all you’re getting.”
            I hear a low laugh, and I shoot Jr a look. He shuts up. I hate when help get to comfortable. Especially on the first day. I take Brandis hand and lead her out onto the patio. Jr follows.
            I turn to him, “I think we’re good on security.” I motion to the two guards on the patio already. Brandi shoots me a look.
            “Go, take a nap. It looks like you need one.” She says kindly.
            “Are you sure?” Jr asks.
            “Positive.” I say and close the glass door.

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THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA Zane Brandi walks into the kitchen,

3 faves · 2 comments · Aug 19, 2010 12:39am






letsescapetothemusic · 1 decade ago
brandi shes cool
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me_youxforever18 · 1 decade ago
zane. he seems really hot :P yumm.
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