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All through the day
the stress, the anger
the crap i gotta get thru.
Then the phone rings,and It's you,
I hear your voice,
and even the simple conversations
cheer me up.
Make me feel happy,
make me forget the problems,
or make them seem so small.
And as soon as i hang up,
as soon as the line is dead,
as soon as your voice is gone,
they come back.
They pop bak into my life,
haunt me with endless stress.
So i want you here
with me, to talk and to comfort
I need you to help me. I want to be with you.
I want you to be that antidote to stress.

...yeah thats an original
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All through the day the stress, the anger the crap i gotta get

1 faves · Apr 6, 2004 8:59am






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