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30 Days, 30 Letters
Day 1 - Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,

       A friend is supposed to be someone that you enjoy spending time with and hanging out with, but you're much more than that. I love you. Words can't express how much you mean to me. You're always there for me, through my thick problems and my thin problems, and I can tell you absolutely anything. When we had our period when we didn't hang out for awhile, for some reason, I felt a sense of absence. I missed you, and then we reconnected. I'm so happy that we did, because you are my absolute best friend in this world. We have the most random conversations and the best times, and I can completely be myself when I'm with you! Who can forget "dude time," "God's rabbit," and "the coupon?" I don't have any inside jokes with anyone else the way I have them with you, and, to me, those define a friendship. Along with those, you define friendship to me because you're the most sweet, genuine, helpful, kind, funny, upbeat, hilarious, caring, amazing, and wonderful best friend this world could possibly see. We're inseparable, and it's going to stay that way forever.


                                                   Your best friend

P.S. We've got to hang out today.
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30 Days, 30 Letters Day 1 - Best Friend Dear Best Friend, A friend

0 faves · 1 comments · Aug 7, 2010 12:08pm






Silence321 · 1 decade ago
I don't get the 30 days 30 letters thing, whats that all about?
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