Witty Profiles

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i say it's o.k, i say it's cool, but [ just ]
being friends with you isn't enough
for me;; you talk to me about the girls
you like;; and you have no clue how
much that hurts me;;how much it kills
knowing i'll never be one of them you
might think its ok,but trust me,its not

trebuchet MS size 8
bold these things:
first line-o.k + just
second line-with + you + isn't
third line-for + ;; + talk + the ls in girls
fourth line-no + clue
fifth line-me + it
sixth line-them
seventh line-think + not + the second its in the line

IM me for the colors
Next Quote >

i say it's o.k, i say it's cool, but [ just ] being friends with

0 faves · Jan 20, 2007 7:57pm




