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I know theres the popular girl. the girl every guy wants to date, the girl who has all those countless friends. but no matter how you look at her, shes no different than the rest of you. she wants to find people to love, she wants people to stop judging her before they even know her. she wants friends to laugh with. shes perfect and beautiful because she feels she has to be. all those friends, she knows their just using her. and even though all the guys are going after her, the one guy who doesnt want her...is the guy shes completely in love with. so trust me girls, shes just the same as everyone else. i would know because...well, i'm that girl. so give them a chance, give us a chance, we arent bitchy and bratty and slutty and snobby, were sweet and funny.....and were just the same as everybody else 
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LISTEN UP ,GIRLS: I know theres the popular girl. the girl every

8 faves · Jul 25, 2010 7:24pm






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